Move Block Icon of block


Move Block

Use this block to set your robot to go forwards or backwards in a straight line or to turn by following a curve. Define how far your robot will go by using the Duration property.

Image of block, data hub closed

  1. 輸出端:右上角的字元顯示目前馬達的輸出端位置。
    The letters at the top right corner of the block show which of your NXT’s ports will be controlled.
  2. 此圖示表示馬達轉動的方向。
    This icon shows which direction your robot will go.
  3. 此圖示表示馬達的動力大小。但機器人的速度會因為行走的表面或是上下斜坡而有變化.
    This icon shows the power level. Your robot’s speed may also be affected by other conditions, like the surface it is moving over or whether it is moving up or down a slope.
  4. 此圖示表示"執行時間"參數設為不停止,角度值,旋轉圈數或是秒數.
    This icon shows whether you have set the Duration property to unlimited, degrees, rotations, or seconds.

Image of block showing stop icon

  1. 此圖示表示馬達的方向設定為"停止"。此設定將會讓馬達停止運轉。
    This icon shows that the Direction property is set to “stop”. This setting will stop all motors.

Configuring the Move Block

Image of configuration panel

  1. 選擇要控制的馬達,如果選的是兩個馬達(例如B與C),則這兩個馬達會以相同的馬力前進或後退.如果是三個馬達都選,其中B和C會同步動作.
    BSelect the motors you would like to control. If you choose to control two motors (Example: B & C), the motors will be synchronized, going forward or backwards at exactly the same power. If you select three motors, motors B & C will be synchronized.
  2. 控制馬達前進,後退,或是停止.停止指令同時會重置馬達.(參考"重置馬達指令"章節)Choose whether the motors will go forward, go backwards, or stop. Selecting Stop will also reset the motors. (See also the Reset Motor Block file.)
  3. 使用兩顆馬達來控制移動車輛時(一側一顆),方向盤滑桿會在兩側顯示輸出端所控制的馬達.移動滑桿時,機器人會向該側以曲線方式前進.如果滑桿移到底,就會讓車輛原地打轉.
    If you’re using two motors to drive a vehicle (with one on each side), the Steering slider will appear with the chosen port letters indicated at each side. Move the slider to set a curved path for your robot. With the slider all the way to either side, your vehicle will spin in place.
  4. 此滑桿與輸入值設定動力值(0~100%)
    This slider and the editable input box will let you set the power level [0-100%].
  5. 使用執行期間的下拉是選單,設定馬達要不停地前進,一段時間(秒數),旋轉圈數(預設值)或是一定角度.選用"時間","圈數","角度"這些參數可以控制機器人行走的距離.(請看下方的說明).
    Using the Duration pull-down menu, you can set the motors to run for an unlimited interval or for a set number of seconds, rotations [default] or degrees. By choosing Time, Rotation or Degrees you can control how far your robot will travel. (See the Tip below.)
  6. 指定馬達在停止後是煞車還是滑行的狀態.如果機器人要停在某一位置,需設定煞車.假如在斜坡上,設定煞車會讓機器人停在該位置而不會稍稍往後退,但這會消耗NXT的電池,因為馬達必須不斷反向地運轉來對抗下滑.
    Choose whether the motors will brake or coast after they’ve finished their action. If you want your robot to stop precisely at an exact location, set the motors to brake. Setting your motors to brake will also keep your robot from slowly rolling backwards on a slope but the setting will wear out the NXT’s batteries quicker because the motors are doing work to keep the robot in place.
  7. 回饋區顯示馬達轉的角度或是圈數.重置按鍵可以歸零這些數據.(在接收數據前,先確認馬達已接在輸出端上且與NXT連結正確).
    The feedback boxes will count how many degrees or full rotations your motors turn. Press the reset button to return the values to zero. (To receive feedback, make sure that the motors are connected to the chosen ports and that communication has been established with the NXT.)
小技巧: 如何讓機器人行走特定的距離?
Tip: How do I get my Robot to Travel a Certain Distance?

You’ll do this by looking at the feedback boxes (7).

For Wheeled or Tracked Vehicles:

First press the feedback box’s reset button. With either the USB cable still connected or an active Bluetooth connection, place your robot at a starting point and roll it forward with your hand. You’ll notice that the feedback box will count how many rotations or degrees your motors turn. (The Duration property must be set to Rotation or Degrees for this to work.) At your desired finishing point, stop rolling your robot and note the displayed number of rotations or degrees. If you type this value into the Duration property’s input box, and download and then run your program, your robot will drive the distance you measured.

For Robots with Legs:

Here you’ll have to begin a process of trial and error, choosing a set number of rotations or degrees and checking to see how close you come to your target destination. Make sure to press the reset button before beginning.

Other Uses of Duration

When programming a tool like a grabber, it is a good idea to set a time in the Duration property. This will save you from having to measure the exact number of degrees to operate your tool and allow you to complete your program.

Note: Setting the motors’ duration to anything other than “Unlimited” will cause the program to wait until the robot completes the set duration; only then will the program continue.

Motor versus Robot Direction

When you set a Move or Motor blocks' direction, you are specifying the direction the motor will spin. This may be different than the direction your robot actually moves. Depending on how you build your robotic invention, setting the motors to go forwards may cause your creation to move backwards. The image below shows a motor spinning in the default, forwards direction.

Image of a Mindstorms servo motor with forwards  (clockwise) direction indicated with arrows

Configuring the Move block’s Data Hub

You can control the Move block dynamically by connecting data wires (from other blocks’ data hubs) to the Move block’s data hub.

Open a block’s data hub by clicking the tab at the lower left edge of the block after it has been placed on the work area.

Image showing unopened tab on a generic block

Data wires carrying input information to a block are connected to the plugs on the left side of its data hub. Data wires carrying output information are connected to the plugs on the right side.

Image of data wires

[A]輸入連接埠 [A] Input plug
[B]輸出連結部 [B] Output plug
[C]數字資料線(黃) [C] Number data wire (yellow)
[D]邏輯資料線(綠) [D]Logic data wire (green)
[E]文字資料線(橘) [E]Text data wire (orange)
[F]無效資料線(灰) [F]Broken data wire (gray)

Passing data from the input plug to the output plug

如果輸入連接埠有對應的輸出連接埠(請參閱 A 以上)時,那麼輸入的資料就會原封不動地傳遞到輸出連接埠.在這樣的情況下, 如果輸入連接埠連著資料線,那麼就只能使用輸出連結埠來做連結. 也就是說,當連結輸出連接線到這樣的輸出連接埠,而不透過相對應的輸入資料線時,就會讓該輸出連接線呈現無效的狀態.
If an input plug has a corresponding output plug (see A above), the input data will pass through from the input plug to the output plug without being changed. In this case, you can only use the output plug if the input plug is connected to an input data wire; connecting an output data wire to such an output plug without a connected input data wire will cause the output data wire to be “broken” (and colored gray).

Data wires carry specific types of data

Each data wire carries a specific type of data between blocks. For example, if a data wire is dragged from a logic plug on a block’s data hub, it can only be connected to a logic plug on another block’s data hub. The chart below shows what kind of data each plug can accept or send out.

Data wire colors

Data wires are identified with specific colors: wires carrying number data are colored yellow, wires carrying logic data are colored green, and wires carrying text data are colored orange.

“Broken” data wires

If you try to connect a data wire to a plug of the wrong data type, the data wire will be broken (and colored gray). You will not be able to download your program if a data wire is broken.

If you click a broken wire you can read why it is broken in the small help window in the lower right corner of the work area.

Data must be within the possible range of the plug

If an input data wire transmits a value outside the possible range of the plug it is connected to, the block will either ignore the value or change it to a value within its range. For plugs that allow just a few input values (example: just 0, 1, or 2), the plug will ignore the input if a value arrives outside its range.

而對那些可以接收大量範圍輸入值(例如: 0~100)的連接埠來說,該連接埠就會將數值轉成可接受的範圍. 例如, 移動指令的動力連接埠接收到150的輸入值時,那麼移動指令就會轉成100(也就是動力連接埠的範圍內).
For plugs that accept larger input ranges (example: 0 – 100), the plug will force any input outside its range to fit. For example, if a Move block’s Power plug receives an input value of 150, the block will change the input value to 100 (i.e., a number within the Power plug’s range).

This chart shows the different characteristics of the plugs on the Move block’s data hub:

Data Type
Possible Range
What the Values Mean
This Plug is Ignored When...
Max/Min 左馬達 Left Motor 數值 Number 1 - 3 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C  
Max/Min 右馬達 Right Motor 數值 Number 1 - 3 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C  
Max/Min 其他馬達 Other Motor 數值 Number 1 - 3 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C  
Max/Min 方向 Direction 邏輯 Logic 真/偽 True/False 真=前進, 偽=後退
True = Forwards, False = Backwards
Max/Min 方向 Steering 數值 Number -100 - 100 小於0= 轉向左馬達, 大於0 = 轉向右馬達
< 0 = Steer towards left motor,
> 0 = Steer towards right motor
Max/Min 動力 Power 數值 Number 0 - 100    
Max/Min 執行時間 Duration 數值 Number 0 - 2147483647 依執行時間的型態:
角度/圈數 = 角度
秒數 = 秒數
Depends on Duration Type:
Degrees/Rotations = Degrees,
Seconds = Seconds
執行時間型態 = 不停
Duration Type = Unlimited
Max/Min 接續動作 Next Action 邏輯 Logic 真/偽 True/False 真=煞車, 偽=滑行
True = Brake, False = Coast
執行型態=不停止. 方向並不為0(此為暫時的狀況,有待韌體解決)
Duration Type = Unlimited. Steering not equal to zero (this may only be temporary. pending firmware fix for this not to be ignored)