Compare Block Icon of block

Compare Block

This block can determine if a number is greater than (>), less than (<), or equal to (=) another number. The input numbers can be typed in or supplied dynamically by data wires.

Image of block

  1. 比較指令有兩個輸入連接埠(資料集線器左邊)與三個輸出連接埠(資料集線器右邊).需要用資料線來連結兩個輸入埠(除非輸入值是由鍵盤輸入的常數值).
    A Compare block dropped into the work area will have an open data hub with two input ports (on the left) and three output ports (on the right). Both input ports will have to be connected to other blocks using data wires (except when one of the input ports is supplied by a constant value that you type in).

    Output from the comparison will be delivered from the bottommost output plug; connect this plug using a data wire to another block’s data hub. The two output plugs opposite the input plugs allow you to pass the input values on to other blocks if this is necessary. (See the Data Hub section below for more information.)

Configuring the Compare Block

Image of configuration panel

  1. 輸入的數字可以由鍵盤輸入或是由資料線動態輸入,如果有資料線連接上就會變成灰色的狀態.
    Input numbers can be typed in or supplied dynamically by data wires. The input boxes will be grayed out when data wires are connected.
  2. 三種比較方式可供選擇
    The pull-down menu will let you choose from five comparisons you can perform:

大於 Greater Than (>)

In this case, if the first input number is greater than or equal to the second input number, the Compare block will return a value of “true.” Otherwise, it will return a value of “false.”

小於 Less Than (<)

In this case, if the first input number is less than or equal to the second input number, the Compare block will return a value of “true.” Otherwise, it will return a value of “false.”

等於 Equal To (=)

In this case, if the first input number is equal to the second input number, the Compare block will return a value of “true.” Otherwise, it will return a value of “false.”

如果輸入值A等於輸入值B, 輸出 = 真
If Input A = Input B, Output = “true”

Configuring the Compare block’s Data Hub

You can control the Compare block dynamically by connecting data wires (from other blocks’ data hubs) to the Compare block’s data hub.

Open a block’s data hub by clicking the tab at the lower left edge of the block after it has been placed on the work area.

Image showing unopened tab on a generic block

Data wires carrying input information to a block are connected to the plugs on the left side of its data hub. Data wires carrying output information are connected to the plugs on the right side.

Image of data wires

[A]輸入連接埠 [A] Input plug
[B]輸出連結部 [B] Output plug
[C]數字資料線(黃) [C] Number data wire (yellow)
[D]邏輯資料線(綠) [D]Logic data wire (green)
[E]文字資料線(橘) [E]Text data wire (orange)
[F]無效資料線(灰) [F]Broken data wire (gray)

Passing from the input plug to the output plug

如果輸入連接埠有對應的輸出連接埠(請參閱 A 以上)時,那麼輸入的資料就會原封不動地傳遞到輸出連接埠.在這樣的情況下, 如果輸入連接埠連著資料線,那麼就只能使用輸出連結埠來做連結. 也就是說,當連結輸出連接線到這樣的輸出連接埠,而不透過相對應的輸入資料線時,就會讓該輸出連接線呈現無效的狀態.
If an input plug has a corresponding output plug (see A above), the input data will pass through from the input plug to the output plug without being changed. In this case, you can only use the output plug if the input plug is connected to an input data wire; connecting an output data wire to such an output plug without a connected input data wire will cause the output data wire to be “broken” (and colored gray).

Data wire colors carry specific types of data

Each data wire carries a specific type of data between blocks. For example, if a data wire is dragged from a logic plug on a block’s data hub, it can only be connected to a logic plug on another block’s data hub. The chart below shows what kind of data each plug can accept or send out.

Data wire colors

Data wires are identified with specific colors: wires carrying number data are colored yellow, wires carrying logic data are colored green, and wires carrying text data are colored orange.

“Broken” data wires

If you try to connect a data wire to a plug of the wrong data type, the data wire will be broken (and colored gray). You will not be able to download your program if a data wire is broken.

If you click a broken wire you can read why it is broken in the small help window in the lower right corner of the work area.

Data must bewithin the possible range of the plug

If an input data wire transmits a value outside the possible range of the plug it is connected to, the block will either ignore the value or change it to a value within its range. For plugs that allow just a few input values (example: just 0, 1, or 2), the plug will ignore the input if a value arrives outside its range.

而對那些可以接收大量範圍輸入值(例如: 0~100)的連接埠來說,該連接埠就會將數值轉成可接受的範圍. 例如, 移動指令的動力連接埠接收到150的輸入值時,那麼移動指令就會轉成100(也就是動力連接埠的範圍內).
For plugs that accept larger input ranges (example: 0 – 100), the plug will force any input outside its range to fit. For example, if a Move block’s Power plug receives an input value of 150, the block will change the input value to 100 (i.e., a number within the Power plug’s range).

This chart shows the different characteristics of the plugs on the Compare block’s data hub:

Date Type
Possible Range
What the Values Mean
This Plug is Ignored When...
Port A 數字
-2147483648 - 2147483647 左邊運算元
Left operand
Max/Min B 數字
-2147483648 - 2147483647 右邊運算元
Right operand
Delete 結果
Result of operation