Temperature* Sensor Block Icon of block

Temperature* Sensor Block

Through data wires, this block can send out the current temperature and a logic signal (true/false) based on whether the current temperature is above or below a trigger point.

You can change the default temperature units from degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa) in the configuration panel.

*該感應器必須使用轉接線來連接NXT. 詳情請洽LEGO Education(http://www.lego.com/education/)
* This sensor requires a converter cable to connect to the NXT. Please contact LEGO Education for more information. (http://www.lego.com/education/)

A trigger point is the specific value in a range of numbers where a change in condition occurs. For example, you might program your robot to display the words “It is cold” on its screen when the temperature drops below 15° C. The trigger point would be 15.

Specify the trigger point by using the slider or by typing a value into the input box. To specify the range (above or below the trigger point) that will generate the “true” signal, use the radio buttons or the pull-down menu. The “true” portion of the range will be in color; the “false” portion will be gray.

The default setting for the Temperature* Sensor block is for temperature values below 25° C to generate a “true” signal. The radio button to the left of the range is selected and the slider is set at 25° C. To switch the “true” portions of the range (setting values above 25° C as “true”), you would select the right radio button.

The feedback box in the configuration panel shows the current temperature in degrees Celsius. (To receive feedback, make sure that the sensor is connected to the chosen port and that communication has been established with the NXT.)

You must drag at least one output data wire from this block’s data hub to another block for any information to be sent. (See the Data Hub section below for more information.)

Display Settings

Image of block

  1. 顯示溫度感應器所連接的NXT輸入端,視需要更改.
    The number shows which of your NXT’s ports are connected to the temperature sensor. You can change this number in the configuration panel if you need to.
  2. 此圖樣顯示觸發值的音量,越多格數表示觸發值越高.
    This icon indicates at what level the trigger point is set. The more colored bars displayed, the higher the trigger point.
  3. 當指令放在工作區時,資料集線器會自動打開.至少必須使用一條輸出資料線來傳遞數據到其他的指令.(參閱下方的資料集線器資訊)
    The block’s data hub will open automatically when the block is attached to the sequence beam. At least one data wire must be dragged from the block’s output plug to another block’s data hub.

Configuring the Temperature* Sensor Block

Image of configuration panel

  1. 選擇溫度感應器連接的輸入端.預設值為輸入端4,依需要改變.
    Choose the port where the temperature sensor is plugged in. By default, the block will be set to port 4 for a temperature sensor. You can change this selection if you need to.
  2. 滑桿的功用在於設定觸發溫度或是直接輸入數字.如果點選滑桿右邊的單選按鈕,則會在超過觸發值時觸發指令,如果點選滑桿左邊的單選按鈕,則會在低於觸發值時觸發.也可以使用下拉式選單來設定"真"值區域.
    Use the slider to set the trigger value or type a value directly into the input box. Select the radio button to the right of the slider if you want the block to be triggered by temperatures higher than the trigger value; select the left radio button to trigger the block with temperatures lower than the trigger value. You can also use the pull-down menu to set the “true” portion of the slider.
  3. 選擇攝氏或華氏.
    Select to read values in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  4. 回饋區顯示當時偵測到的溫度(-20°C至70°C或-4°F至158°F).如果單位設定為攝氏,25就表示攝氏25度;如果是華氏,70就表示華氏70度
    The feedback box displays the current temperature reading (-20 to 70 C° or -4 to 158 F°). If configured for Celsius, a reading of 25 indicates a temperature of 25° C. If configured for Fahrenheit, a reading of 70 indicates a temperature of 70° F.

Configuring the Temperature* block’s Data Hub

You can control the Temperature* block dynamically by connecting data wires (from other blocks’ data hubs) to the Temperature* block’s data hub.

Open a block’s data hub by clicking the tab at the lower left edge of the block after it has been placed on the work area.

Image showing unopened tab on a generic block

Data wires carrying input information to a block are connected to the plugs on the left side of its data hub. Data wires carrying output information are connected to the plugs on the right side.

Image of data wires

[A]輸入連接埠 [A] Input plug
[B]輸出連結部 [B] Output plug
[C]數字資料線(黃) [C] Number data wire (yellow)
[D]邏輯資料線(綠) [D]Logic data wire (green)
[E]文字資料線(橘) [E]Text data wire (orange)
[F]無效資料線(灰) [F]Broken data wire (gray)

Passing from the input plug to the output plug

如果輸入連接埠有對應的輸出連接埠(請參閱 A 以上)時,那麼輸入的資料就會原封不動地傳遞到輸出連接埠.在這樣的情況下, 如果輸入連接埠連著資料線,那麼就只能使用輸出連結埠來做連結. 也就是說,當連結輸出連接線到這樣的輸出連接埠,而不透過相對應的輸入資料線時,就會讓該輸出連接線呈現無效的狀態.
If an input plug has a corresponding output plug (see A above), the input data will pass through from the input plug to the output plug without being changed. In this case, you can only use the output plug if the input plug is connected to an input data wire; connecting an output data wire to such an output plug without a connected input data wire will cause the output data wire to be “broken” (and colored gray).

Data wires carry specific types of data

Each data wire carries a specific type of data between blocks. For example, if a data wire is dragged from a logic plug on a block’s data hub, it can only be connected to a logic plug on another block’s data hub. The chart below shows what kind of data each plug can accept or send out.

Data wire colors

Data wires are identified with specific colors: wires carrying number data are colored yellow, wires carrying logic data are colored green, and wires carrying text data are colored orange.

“Broken” data wires

If you try to connect a data wire to a plug of the wrong data type, the data wire will be broken (and colored gray). You will not be able to download your program if a data wire is broken.

If you click a broken wire you can read why it is broken in the small help window in the lower right corner of the work area.

Data must bewithin the possible range of the plug

If an input data wire transmits a value outside the possible range of the plug it is connected to, the block will either ignore the value or change it to a value within its range. For plugs that allow just a few input values (example: just 0, 1, or 2), the plug will ignore the input if a value arrives outside its range.

而對那些可以接收大量範圍輸入值(例如: 0~100)的連接埠來說,該連接埠就會將數值轉成可接受的範圍. 例如, 移動指令的動力連接埠接收到150的輸入值時,那麼移動指令就會轉成100(也就是動力連接埠的範圍內).
For plugs that accept larger input ranges (example: 0 – 100), the plug will force any input outside its range to fit. For example, if a Move block’s Power plug receives an input value of 150, the block will change the input value to 100 (i.e., a number within the Power plug’s range).

This chart shows the different characteristics of the plugs on the Temperature* block’s data hub:

Date Type
Possible Range
What the Values Mean
This Plug is Ignored When...
Port 輸入端
1 - 4 1 = 輸入端1, 2 = 輸入端2, , 3 = 輸入端3, 4 = 輸入端4
1 = Port 1, 2 = Port 2, 3 = Port 3, 4 = Port 4
Port 觸發值
Trigger Point
-20 - 70 (C°)
-4 - 158 (F°)
Value to compare against
Port 大於 / 小於
Greater / Less
真 = 大於, 偽 = 小於
Logic used in comparison:
True = Greater, False = Less
Port 是 / 否
Yes / No
Result of comparison
Port 溫度
-20 - 70 (C°)
-4 - 158 (F°)
Scaled value read from sensor.
Port 原始數據
Raw Value
0 - 1024 感應器讀到的原始數值(未轉換)
Raw (unscaled) value read from sensor